Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this event for?
Initially March Mingle was a way for members of tech user groups to forget about tech presentations and to get us all together for an evening of fun networking, food and drinks. With San Diego’s growing tech and startup community, we’ve combined the two for an even better event.
We believe in fostering entrepreneurship by connecting tech founders to talent and cross pollinating all walks of life. Regardless if you’re a student, script kiddie, hardcore developer, job seeker, investor, entrepreneur, consultant, designer, or weekend warrior we hope you’ll find a connection or two that will help you take a positive step forward.
How do I sponsor?
Contact us through our sponsor request page.
How do I get involved?
There’s no shortage of the amount of work we put in every year to put on March Mingle. We always need help with finding venues and sponsors as well as logistics the day of. Contact us if you are interested in helping out.
What if I’m not a member of a participating user group?
That’s ok! You are welcome to come and mingle with your professional peers who are! The purpose for the March Mingle is to introduce people to User Groups and to each other.
May I bring a friend?
Yes, by all means, bring a friend. Invite the other developers in your office. Just warn them that there may be some geeky chatter goin’ on!
What if the event is sold out?
Every year the event sells out of it’s pre-sale tickets. A limited amount of walk-ins are usually allowed. Just check the website and the March Mingle Twitter account for the latest updates.
What if I am under the age of 21?
Generally speaking, attendees under 21 may attend March Mingle. If you look under 30 you will be carded. Please bring your ID anyway. This event is for professionals so kids are generally not encouraged to attend. Each year our under age policy changes due to venue restrictions. Please contact us to find out about the current year’s age policy.
Is this a kid friendly event?
The general answer is no. It is a networking event that includes alcohol and it can get very loud.
What if I don’t know anyone there?
The event is designed to introduce people to each other. Everyone wears the technologies they use on their shirts (literally), and if all else fails, come find a March Mingle organizer and introduce yourself!
What does this cost?
Early bird tickets are $20.00, general admission tickets are $25 (+ eventbrite fees) and late bird tickets are $30. There will be appetizers and light finger foods and a cash bar.
May I solicit business at this event?
This is first and foremost a social event. You are free to introduce yourself to anyone and talk about what you do for a living. However, unless you are a sponsor, we ask that attendees refrain from bringing handout materials or aggressively soliciting business at the event. Do bring business cards!
May I provide a door prize?
Unless you are a sponsor, no. In past March Mingle events we had so many door prizes that it took a full 40 minutes just to give them away. We now limit the quantity of door prizes by only allowing sponsors to provide prizes.
Who’s behind March Mingle?
A few of us in the SD Tech Scene have decided to pick up where the original founder of March Mingle left off. Cameron Childress originally created March Mingle and ran the event for 5 years. Cameron has since left San Diego for Atlanta and has allowed Phelan Riessen and June Clarke to run with March Mingle.